RUNNING GEAR --========-- This is a README file for the PDF release of Running Gear, date 18 March 2002. It helps to read it, especially if you're experiencing problems with the PDF files. CONTENTS Copyright & Trademarks Distribution Archive Contents Printing Running Gear Common Problems URLs & Addresses COPYRIGHT & TRADEMARKS The copyrights to the individual articles making up Running Gear belong to those articles' original authors. Running Gear itself, as a compilation of those articles -- that is to say, the twelve files listed under ARCHIVE CONTENTS below -- is copyright (c) 1994-2002 by Gurth. Shadowrun(R) is a registered trademark of WizKids LLC. Original Shadowrun material is copyright (c) 1989-2000 by FASA Corporation, and (c) 2001-2002 byWizKids LLC. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. DISTRIBUTION Running Gear may be freely copied and distributed in both electronic and hardcopy formats, on the conditions that it remains completely unmodified, and that no profit is made off the distribution. In other words, pass it on exactly as you got it, and don't charge any money for it. ARCHIVE CONTENTS Running Gear comes in a zip archive containing twelve files: FILENAME FILE SIZE RG01 - Front Cover & Title Page.pdf 200 KB RG02 - Contents & Into.pdf 245 KB RG03 - Runners' Gear.pdf 579 KB RG04 - Street Grimoire.pdf 229 KB RG05 - Shaped Explosives.pdf 299 KB RG06 - Chemistry.pdf 362 KB RG07 - RadTech Catalog.pdf 230 KB RG08 - SWO Guns.pdf 594 KB RG09 - Legal Hassles.pdf 120 KB RG10 - Back Cover.pdf 363 KB Plastic Warriors Equipment Tables.pdf 126 KB README.txt (this file) 5 KB PRINTING RUNNING GEAR The PDF version of Running Gear is intended for to be printed out, though you can of course also read it on-screen using your favorite PDF viewer (if you don't, see under COMMON PROBLEMS below). Each of the files has distinct left and right pages, which you can make the most use of by printing the odd (right) pages first, followed by the even (left) ones on the backs of the odd ones. You'll probably have to experiment with your printer a bit to figure out how to feed the paper back in so you print on both sides, but as this depends on your exact printer model I can't give any real recommendations. You also may be best off printing one of the sides in reverse order. If your printer can print two-sided, you have no need to worry about the above -- just make sure it's set to do that trick, then print the file as normal. If you live in North America, or insist on using Letter-size paper for some other reason, you should not experience any major problems (Running Gear is set up for A4-size paper). However, if your PDF viewer supports it, you had best switch on the option that automatically sizes the print-out to fit the paper size. Note that the second page of the file "RG01 - Front Cover & Title.pdf" is intended to be a RIGHT page -- it's the title page, and so is the first page of the actual file. It's not supposed to be on the back of the front cover. Also, the Equipment Tables are intended to go between the Legal Hassles chapter and the back cover. This file will be updated to include equipment from future Plastic Warriors net.sourcebook when those become available, which is why the name does not fit the naming scheme of the other chapters -- this way, if you put all the books in one directory, they will all use the same Equipment Tables when you view the PDF files. COMMON PROBLEMS * I can't open the files. (Or: MS Word doesn't recognize them!) - The probable cause here is that you don't have a proper PDF viewer installed on your computer. There are several, but the easiest thing to do is to go to and download the free Acrobat Reader from there. It is available for a wide range of different operating systems, and won't cost you anything. Once it's been downloaded, install the viewer and use it to open the Running Gear files. * When I print the document, there are white borders at the edges of each page, so the graphics at the tops of the pages are cut off. - This is a limitation of your printer: it simply cannot print in those white areas, called its margins, so anything that would fall in that area disappears from the page. The solution is to make your PDF viewer resize the page to fit the paper size you are using (Adobe Acrobat can do this), which makes the whole page fit inside the margins. The white areas will still be there, but this way you won't miss anything. * I can't change the files. - That's intentional, so that the files will be distributed as I want them to be, not with parts cut out or things added into them. You can, however, copy text from the file for use in your own documents. URLS & Addresses You can find the Plastic Warriors web site at To contact the driving force (for lack of a better term :) of Plastic Warriors, send an e-mail to Gurth at .